Dan and I were introduced through an online dating app called OkCupid. It made you answer a bunch of questions to try and match you up with someone. Dan and I talked on the phone a bit. He asked me to meet him for Ice Cream with Sadie but I was busy mopping my floor because my girlies were coming to stay for a while. I also had 2 parties that evening. I told him I would call him if I got done early.
I called him about 11 pm and he was out with a friend. He asked if I'd like to meet up. I was already out so I figured why not. He was at Stamps in the City of Tonawanda. I got turned around and couldnt figure out where it was so He told me he meet me at the 7 Eleven parking lot.
To my dismay he was drunk as a skunk and his friend was even worse! I'm thinking what the hell did I get myself into. Welp I'm too polite to back out at that moment so I think to myself, "Well, Kate, Lets hope you dont get murdered!"
We head over to Stamps and I order my Vodka Cranberry to nurse. I have no Idea what Dan and his buddy are drinking. But the Buddy gets into a Fight and it spills outside and Dan follows. The guy at the bar says to me, I hope you know that guy is a real Something or other not so nice. I thank him for the warning. When Dan comes back in I tell him I'm going to call it a night. He says great can I get a ride home. I'm like sure whatever, you are in no shape to drive. He stops at his Van to get Sadie's baby Doll Stella and I drive him home. He asks if I'll hang out a bit and chat so we go sit on the swing in Nana's beautiful back yard. After maybe 10 minutes he passed out in my lap! I left him asleep in the yard and went home. I never expected to talk to or see him again!
Now every July I get a Facebook reminder about my worst date ever!
The next day Dan called to apologized and begged for a 2nd meeting. I was busy having a good time with my Aunt Marge as the Casino so I didn't answer his call. When I talked to him again I found out that he also went to SUNY Brockport so I agreed to go to Canal fest with him that evening. He asked if I would ride the Super happy Fun slide with him. I said yes. (Secretly knowing the rides did not start until Monday. I hate slides!) We ate Tacos at Colosso taco, his friend Dwayne gave me a hard time because I wouldn't hold Dan's hand as we walked down to the festival. I did not have to go on the slide! I do have to say its been a wild ride since! 13 yrs in July!